I was trying to think of a way to get even more “mathy” in Mathogen. So I decided to add in 9 of the world’s most famous mathematicians over time. I’ve selected: Euclid, Sir Isaac Newton, and Achimedes. You’ll need to unlock the rest of them to find out who they are. Each correct answer… Continue reading Added cards for the world’s best mathematicians as collectibles
Category: Uncategorized
Working on cards
I’m working on getting the cards to show famous mathematicians. I made a list of the top 10 mathematicians of all time. Today I am going to work for 1 hour to get the cards working. I’ll post my progress here.
Finally recording videos for the blog
Tonight I’m recording a blog post video. I didn’t know you could stream directly from your iPhone wirelessly with OBS. I’m doing that now and it’s working really well. I’m not sure what to film, my hands typing or the fish tank in front of me. But anyway, I wanted to post on what I… Continue reading Finally recording videos for the blog
Just posted the newest version in Play
Just finished exporting the newest version of Mathogen to WebGL. I rewrote the entire app in the Unity game engine. You can play it for free here while I develop it: https://mathogen.com/play/
Successfully removing physics body on mousedown in Matter JS
So I finally got the mouse to access the body to remove it. Next step is to check to see if the value in the body matches the value in the question. Also gotta clean up the arrays once I remove the body to make sure I don’t introduce any “off by one” errors into… Continue reading Successfully removing physics body on mousedown in Matter JS
Tracking mouseup and mousedown in Matter JS
Ok so I finally got the mouse events to trigger in the console. I can now report back that I can observe mouse state. The next step is to get the body from the mouseConstraint. Here’s the mouseconstraint code that’s working for me:
Coming for you mouse constraints!
So I made a big breakthrough today. I got the mouse constraints kind of working. Kind of, in that I updated the mouse constraints code but I still can’t get the body out of the mouseConstraint.
Added the question label to the game
Today I added a label to the game. I put it in a body and wrote an image over it. Next steps will be to remove that image on mouse click. And replace it with a new question. Still not understanding the mouse constraint concept in Matter js. I believe I’ll get to work with… Continue reading Added the question label to the game
One hour development sprint
Ok so I wanted to do something different tonight for development. I’m going to make some predictions – how many things can I get accomplished tonight? I believe that I will do the following tonight: Make the ball bigger Make touch respond to show which ball I have selected by turning it red after touch… Continue reading One hour development sprint
Set up the walls and balls today!
Today I coded up some walls in Matter.js and added them to the Mathogen window. I added some code to create an image from a string of text. I’m curious to know if the JS string can hold a Hiragana character? Here’s the javascript code to create an image in javascript from a text string.… Continue reading Set up the walls and balls today!